This page describes the Dispatcher Paragon services that are installed automatically after Dispatcher Paragon installation:
Name | Short Name | Description |
Dispatcher Paragon Management Service | YSoftSQ-Management | Provides an administration web interface and manages the whole Dispatcher Paragon installation. |
Dispatcher Paragon LDAP Replicator | YSoftSQ-LDAP | Replicates user data from an LDAP server into Dispatcher Paragon. |
Dispatcher Paragon Terminal Server | YSoftSQ-TS | Integrates devices with Dispatcher Paragon (e.g., accounting) and controls Dispatcher Paragon terminals of all types (embedded, external, mobile). |
Dispatcher Paragon Workflow Processing System | YSoftSQ-WPS | Executes workflows: facilitates the live selection of a document's destination in third-party systems, processes documents according to workflow definition, and delivers processed documents to specified destinations. |
Dispatcher Paragon Spooler Controller | YSoftSQ-SPOC | Controls business logic within Spooler Controller Group and facilitates cooperation between local Dispatcher Paragon subsystems and other Spooler Controller Groups. |
Dispatcher Paragon Spooler Controller Group Service | YSoftSQ-SPOCGS | Synchronizes Spooler Controllers within Spooler Controller Group. |
Dispatcher Paragon End User Interface | YSoftSQ-EUI | Provides an end-userweb interface where end users can manage their Dispatcher Paragon accounts, manage queued print jobs, and upload new print jobs. |
Dispatcher Paragon FlexiSpooler | YSoftSQ-FSP | Receives, stores, and releases print jobs. |
Dispatcher Paragon Infrastructure Service | YSoftIms | Registers and manages Infrastructure Service clients (e.g., YSoft SafeQ Terminal Pro 4, YSoft be3D eDee, YSoft SafeQube 2). |
Dispatcher Paragon Infrastructure Service Proxy | YSoftImsProxy | Registers and manages Infrastructure Service clients (e.g., YSoft SafeQ Terminal Pro 4, YSoft be3D eDee, YSoft SafeQube 2) in a part of a distributed environment. |
Optional services (based on selected features and the database type):
Name | Short Name | Description |
Dispatcher Paragon Bundled PostgreSQL 11 | YSoftPGSQL | An open-source database system used by Dispatcher Paragon Management Service and Dispatcher Paragon Payment System. |
Dispatcher Paragon Bundled PostgreSQL 11 | YYSoftPGSQL | An open-source database system used by Dispatcher Paragon Payment System when deployed during Site Server installation. |
Dispatcher Paragon Mobile Print Server | YSoftSQ-MPS | Receives print jobs submitted to a mailbox or hot folder (e.g., via a web interface), converts them into a PDF, and delivers them to Dispatcher Paragon FlexiSpooler. |
Dispatcher Paragon Payment System | YSoftPS
| Manages quota and money accounts and processes transaction across the accounts. |
The Mobile Integration Gateway service (installed using a separate installer):
Name | Short Name | Description |
Dispatcher Paragon Mobile Integration Gateway | YSoftSQ-MIG | Enables iOS and macOS devices to auto-discover and use Dispatcher Paragon as a printer. |
Default Installation Paths and Registry
Installation path | Registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\) |
C:\DispatcherParagon\Management | \Konica Minolta\Dispatcher Paragon\MGMT |
C:\DispatcherParagon\SPOC | \Konica Minolta\Dispatcher Paragon\SPOC |
C:\DispatcherParagon\FSP | \Konica Minolta\Dispatcher Paragon\FSP |
C:\DispatcherParagon\MPS | \Konica Minolta\Dispatcher Paragon\MPS |
C:\DispatcherParagon\YPS | \Konica Minolta\Dispatcher Paragon\YPS |
C:\DispatcherParagon\WPS | \Konica Minolta\Dispatcher Paragon\WPS |
C:\DispatcherParagon\MIG | \Konica Minolta\Dispatcher Paragon\MIG |