Installing Security Certificates

For the installation of the YSoft Universal PCL driver there are three certificates needed for successful installation. The driver is distributed with Dispatcher Paragon FlexiSpooler component but it is not installed. You may install it on your own from universal-pcl-driver folder located in the component directory.

Konica Minolta Universal Print Driver for PCL is the main driver used for installation. YSoft Universal PCL driver is an alternative option.

These certificates are:

  • VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority(vsign-universal-root.cer)

  • Thawte Primary Root CA (thawte-root.cer)

  • Konica Minolta, Inc. codesigning CA (ysoft-codesigning.cer)

This driver will be installed only on the following Windows versions: Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

Mass Deployment of Certificates

If the certificates are needed on all environments where you want to deploy the product, you may prefer to install them automatically using PowerShell:

&certutil -addstore -enterprise -user root c:\thawte-root.cer
&certutil -addstore -enterprise -user root c:\vsign-universal-root.cer
&certutil -addstore -enterprise -user trustedpublisher c:\ysoft-codesigning.cer

For installation of certificates through GPO, read more here.

For other options, read more here.