Management Interface - Scan Workflows


Scan workflows create digital content from paper documents consistently and accurately.

Configure scan workflows by accessing the Scan Workflows section of the Dispatcher Paragon management interface.images/download/attachments/284930579/ScanWorkflows-homepageDispatcher-version-1-modificationdate-1606826505887-api-v2.png The Scan Workflows section contains two subsections:

  • "Workflows" – in this section, scan workflows are configured and made available to Dispatcher Paragon terminal users. For more details, please refer to Workflows List.

  • "Connectors" – in this section, connectors are configured to external systems that serve as the final destinations of documents scanned using scan workflows. For more details, please refer to Connectors List.


NOTE: To get started quickly with creating the first scan workflow, we recommend administrators read Workflow Basics.