Release Notes Build 87

Fixes and Improvements

Terminals, User Interfaces

Users are now able to connect to Dispatcher Paragon from the Sharp MFD following updates to Build 86. (SBT-4762)

Konica Minolta Cloud Terminal displays the correct Dispatcher Paragon branding. (SBT-4726)

Installation and Administration

Configuration options in the JOB_SERVICE subsystem are now correctly propagated from SPOC to Job Service. (SBT-4757)

Lexmark XC9235 Terminal installation is successful with Firmware Level CXTMH.081.234. (SBT-4737)

The FSP client will switch to the DHCP server (LPR servers) when the network is reconnected. (SBT-4729)

PDFs with specific security settings are now processed successfully. (SBT-4723)

Configuration option updates from management are now correctly overwritten by job service's local settings. (SBT-4721)

Dispatcher Paragon management interface was updated to use JQuery version 3.7.0. (SBT-4716)

When using the Dispatcher Paragon UPD driver, the landscape tabloid paper size is correctly applied. (SBT-4702)

FSP update on 64bit OS launched under SYSTEM account no longer replaces the existing certificate with an expired one. (SBT-4684)

Update Java in Dispatcher Paragon components to OpenJDK 11.0.20. (SBT-4624)

Security Mitigation and Enhancements

Security has been enhanced with an update to javascript library: Lodash to version: 4.17.21. (SBT-4709)

Several end user interface libraries have been updated to mitigate any security vulnerabilities. (SBT-4568)

Other included change codes

SQC-8302, SQC-8283, SQC-8281, SQC-8271, SQC-8270, SQC-7984, SBT-4746,

Product extensions (or customizations)

Customers who use Dispatcher Paragon extensions or customizations should contact their Regional Sales Manager or customer support team for compatibility verification with the new Build. We recommend testing all extensions before applying a Build update into a production environment.

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