This article will help you with the configuration of the database connection pool.
Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool Configuration
The configuration is stored in <install_dir>\Management\conf\
Management connection pool uses application for basic database operations:
Default properties of Management connection pool
# The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time, or negative for no limit.
database.connections.max = 50
# The initial number of connections to create when the pool is started.
database.connections.min = 5
# The minimum number of established connections that should be kept in the pool at all times.
# The connection pool can shrink below this number if validation queries fail. The default value is derived from initialSize.
database.idle.min = 5
# The number of seconds to set for the query timeout. A value less than or equal to zero will disable this feature.
database.connections.queryTimeout = 120
# Number of milliseconds before running a validation check to ensure that the JDBC connection is still valid.
# A connection that has been validated within this interval is not revalidated. Running validation checks too frequently can slow performance.
database.connections.cleanerPeriod = 10000
# Set to true if you want the connection pool to rollback any pending transaction when a connection is returned.
database.rollback.on.return = true
# Indicates whether objects are validated before borrowed from the pool.
# If the object fails to validate, it is dropped from the pool, and an attempt is made to borrow another.
database.test.on.borrow = false
# Indicates if objects are validated before they are returned to the pool.
database.test.on.return = true
# Indicates whether objects are validated by the idle object evictor (if any). If an object fails to validate, it is dropped from the pool.
database.test.while.idle = true
# Set to true to remove abandoned connections if they exceed the removeAbandonedTimeout.
# Setting this to true can recover database connections from poorly written applications that fail to close a connection.
# A connection is considered abandoned and eligible for removal if it has been idle longer than the removeAbandonedTimeout.
database.remove.abandoned = true
# Timeout in seconds before an abandoned connection can be removed. The value should be set to the longest running query your applications might have.
database.remove.abandoned.timeout = 120
# The SQL query used to validate connections from this pool before returning them to the caller.
# If specified, the query must be an SQL SELECT statement that returns at least one row.
database.validation.query = SELECT 1
# The maximum milliseconds a pool with no available connections will wait for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception, or -1 to wait indefinitely.
database.max.wait = 30000
# The number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle object evictor thread.
# The thread checks for idle, abandoned connections and validates idle connections. The value should not be set below 1 second (1000).
database.time.between.eviction.runs.millis = 5000
# The minimum amount of time an object may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction by the idle object evictor, if any.
database.min.evictable.idle.time.millis = 60000
# Time in milliseconds to keep this connection. This attribute works both when returning connection and when borrowing connection.
# When a connection is borrowed from the pool, the pool will check to see if the now - time-when-connected > maxAge has been reached,
# and if so, it reconnects before borrow it. When a connection is returned to the pool, the pool will check to see if the now - time-when-connected > maxAge
# has been reached, and if so, it closes the connection rather than returning it to the pool. The default value is 0,
# which implies that connections will be left open and no age check will be done upon borrowing from the pool and returning the connection to the pool.
database.max.age.millis = 60000
Management warehouse connection pool uses application for reporting database operations:
Default properties of Management warehouse connection pool
# The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time, or negative for no limit.
databaseWarehouse.connections.max = 10
# The initial number of connections to create when the pool is started.
databaseWarehouse.connections.min = 1
# The minimum number of established connections that should be kept in the pool at all times.
# The connection pool can shrink below this number if validation queries fail. The default value is derived from initialSize.
databaseWarehouse.idle.min = 1
# The number of seconds to set for the query timeout. A value less than or equal to zero will disable this feature.
databaseWarehouse.connections.queryTimeout = 1800
# Number of milliseconds before running a validation check to ensure that the JDBC connection is still valid.
# A connection that has been validated within this interval is not revalidated. Running validation checks too frequently can slow performance.
databaseWarehouse.connections.cleanerPeriod = 10000
# Set to true if you want the connection pool to rollback any pending transaction when a connection is returned.
databaseWarehouse.rollback.on.return = true
# Indicates whether objects are validated before borrowed from the pool.
# If the object fails to validate, it is dropped from the pool, and an attempt is made to borrow another.
databaseWarehouse.test.on.borrow = false
# Indicates if objects are validated before they are returned to the pool.
databaseWarehouse.test.on.return = true
# Indicates whether objects are validated by the idle object evictor (if any). If an object fails to validate, it is dropped from the pool.
databaseWarehouse.test.while.idle = true
# Set to true to remove abandoned connections if they exceed the removeAbandonedTimeout.
# Setting this to true can recover database connections from poorly written applications that fail to close a connection.
# A connection is considered abandoned and eligible for removal if it has been idle longer than the removeAbandonedTimeout.
databaseWarehouse.remove.abandoned = true
# Timeout in seconds before an abandoned connection can be removed. The value should be set to the longest running query your applications might have.
databaseWarehouse.remove.abandoned.timeout = 1800
# The SQL query used to validate connections from this pool before returning them to the caller.
# If specified, the query must be an SQL SELECT statement that returns at least one row.
databaseWarehouse.validation.query = SELECT 1
# The maximum milliseconds a pool with no available connections will wait for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception, or -1 to wait indefinitely.
databaseWarehouse.max.wait = 30000
# The number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle object evictor thread.
# The thread checks for idle, abandoned connections and validates idle connections. The value should not be set below 1 second (1000).
databaseWarehouse.time.between.eviction.runs.millis = 5000
# The minimum amount of time an object may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction by the idle object evictor, if any.
databaseWarehouse.min.evictable.idle.time.millis = 60000
# Time in milliseconds to keep this connection. This attribute works both when returning connection and when borrowing connection.
# When a connection is borrowed from the pool, the pool will check to see if the now - time-when-connected > maxAge has been reached,
# and if so, it reconnects before borrow it. When a connection is returned to the pool, the pool will check to see if the now - time-when-connected > maxAge
# has been reached, and if so, it closes the connection rather than returning it to the pool. The default value is 0,
# which implies that connections will be left open and no age check will be done upon borrowing from the pool and returning the connection to the pool.
databaseWarehouse.max.age.millis = 60000
If you change the configuration, you must restart the proper service: Dispatcher Paragon Management Service service or Dispatcher Paragon LDAP Replicator service.
The configuration of the PostgeSQL database is stored in <install_dir>\Management>\PGSQL-data\postgresql.conf.
PostgreSQL connection properties
max_connections = 120
If you change the configuration, you must restart the Dispatcher Paragon Bundled PostgreSQL 9.4 service.