Guide how to use Management console for administration of YSoft hardware.


  1. Open SSH connection to your device (
  2. Login as manager (default login is manager and password oCfpB112g5bZpOcywAp7).

For all others command assume that administrator is already logged in.

Change Password

  1. Run command "password set -user manager."

    draco-84$ password set -user manager
    Enter password(6):
    Enter password again:
    Password changed

How to reboot the device 

  • os reboot - reboot the device. If some applications prevents the reboot, it will wait until the application allows it. Note: The application has to report its state, to be able to use this functionality.
  • os reboot -force - reboot the device immediately, it does not reflect the state of applications.

Connection to Dispatcher Paragon Infrastructure Service (IMS)

  1. Check the settings - "server show address".
  2. Set the connection to IMS - "server set -address protocol://<IMS address>:port ". It is possible to enter more addresses separated by "," (comma). This command replaces all previously configured connections.
  3. Addresses can be added or removed by "server add" or "server remove".
  4. Test the connection - "server test".

    draco-84$ server show address
    draco-84$ server set -address
    Operation was successful.
    draco-84$ server add -address
    Operation was successful.
    draco-84$ server show address
    draco-84$ server test Not reachable Ok (212 ms) [used]
    draco-84$ server remove -address
    Operation was successful.
    draco-84$ server test Ok (192 ms) [used]
  5. The timeout of the connection can be set by "server set timeout -timeout <number>". The timeout is in seconds.

    draco-84$ server set timeout -timeout 10
    Operation was successful.
    draco-84$ server show timeout
    uams.timeout: 10

Operating system status and info

Overall OS status

Shows current system metrics, such as load, cpu usage, free space on system and application partition etc..

Available from OS version 4.6

  1. run "os show status"
draco-02ce$ os show status
Uptime: 3 hours 1 minute 49 seconds
[0] Load: 4.04%
System load: 1.19
RAM: 159.36 / 492.37 MB used (32.37%)
System: 918 MB / 3.49 GB used (25.69%)
Applications: 392 MB / 2.34 GB used (16.35%)

For autorefreshing of results use "os show status -autorefresh x" where x is interval in seconds. To stop autorefresh press Ctrl-C.

CPU and RAM information

CPU information are available for monitoring and troubleshooting purposes.

  • os cpu model - get CPU Model.

  • os cpu cores - get number of cores.

  • os cpu temp - get core's temperature.

  • os cpu - get overall information in one output.

  • os show ram free - get available RAM.
  • os show ram total - get total amount of RAM.
  • os show ram - get overall information in one output.

HW information

  • os show serialnumber
  • os show hw - overall info about hardware, serial numbers, MAC address, ...

Operating system update

  1. Check version available on IMS - "os show versions".
  2. Download OS update package - "os update fetch -version <version>".
  3. Login to the management console after the upload finishes.
  4. List available versions - "os show versions".
  5. Run command "os update -version <new version>".

    draco-84$ os show versions
    hw.osversions: versions:4.2.3
    draco-84$ os update -version 4.3.0
    Finished successfully
  6. The device is rebooted automatically during the update.
  7. Check the version after update.

    draco-84$ os show version
    hw.osversion: 4.3.0


  1. Download and install the update in one command by "os update -version <version>".
  2. The system is updated and rebooted into new version.

Configuring application 

  1. Set application configuration.
    1. one parameter at a time - "applications set configuration -appname <appname> -key <parameter> -value <value>".
    2. more parameters in one command - "applications set multiple -appname <appname> -keys <parameter1>=<value1> <parameter2>=<value2> ...".
  2. Check the configuration - "applications show configuration -appname <appname>". Note that the configuration is shared by different versions of the application, therefore the command does not contain the argument version.
  3. Remove unwanted parameters - "applications remove configuration -appname <appname> -key <parameter>".

Controlling applications

You may list applications with commands:

  • applications show installed - display all applications installed on the system including their states.

  • applications show running - list all applications currently running on the device.

  • applications show deployed - list all applications ready for installation on the device.

  • applications show available - list all applications available on IMS.

  • applications show capabilities - list all applications' assigned capabilities. (warning) available from version 4.5.
You can find more information about what are the capabilities here. For now there are allowed just three: CAP_NET_RAW, CAP_NET_ADMIN, CAP_NET_BROADCAST and they have to be requested in applicaton manifest (app.desc).

You may start, stop, restart applications with commands:

  • applications start -appname <app_name> -version <version>.
  • applications stop -appname <app_name> -version <version>.
  • applications restart -appname <app_name> -version <version>

Application stop and restart checks if the application is busy before stopping it. If the application is not ready to be interrupted at the moment then it schedules the required action for the earliest moment application gets into non-busy state.  

You may set autostart for an application (application with set autostart on will automatically start after boot):

  • applications autostart -appname <app_name> -version <version> -enable <on/off> - set/unset the start of application after the device powers on.

Installing application

With IMS connection

  1. List applications available on IMS - "applications show available".
  2. Download the required application package - "applications fetch store -appname <appname> -version <version>". 


  1. List applications available on IMS - "applications show available".
  2. Download and install the application in one step - "applications install store -appname <appname> -version <version> -autostart <on/off> ". If autostart is set to [on] then the application is started after installation and starts automatically after the device starts.

Without IMS connection

  1. Install the application from an url - " applications install uri -appname <appname> -url <url> -version <version>  -autostart <on/off> ". If autostart is set to  [on]  then the application is started after installation and starts automatically after the device starts.

The application installation package is deleted after successful installation.

Uninstalling application

  • To uninstall the application run " applications uninstall -appname <app_name> -version <version>". All applications data are kept and can be used by different version of the same application.
  • To remove the application completely from the system run "applications uninstall -appname <app_name> -version <version> -cleanup on."

Other configuration


Management console enables to set up static or dynamic network configuration.

  • network show configuration - display the current network configuration.

  • network set dhcp - set dynamic network settings. The device will fetch its network configuration from the DHCP server.

  • network set static -ip <IP address> -gateway <gateway IP address> - static network settings.

  • network set -dns <dns server IP address> - change the DNS server address.


To test internet connection administrator can run traditional ping command. Output is same as Linux ping command.

  • Run "os ping -address <address>"
draco-84$ os ping -address
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=3.43 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=2.72 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 time=2.65 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=55 time=2.63 ms
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 1503ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.637/2.863/3.435/0.331 ms

Administrator can specify number of packets by appending "-count X" option where X is the number of packets to send (default is 4).


To simplify international shipping, the device doesn't have a battery to backup time information while it is powered down. The time right after start may not be accurate and will be synchronized with NTP server at the earliest possible time according to timezone and NTP server settings.

Administrator may use following commands in the management console for setting up a time zone and NTP servers for device time synchronization:

  • time show - shows time in this format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (<time difference from UTC> TIMEZONE).

  • timezone show - shows actual timezone set on the device as it is named in IANA time zones library.

  • timezone show groups - shows available groups for setting time zone.

  • timezone show available -group <group> - shows available time zones in a group of time zones.

  • timezone set -group <group> -place <place> - command for a change of time zone. Both the group and the place have to be selected from the list of groups or places given by their respective commands.

Setting up NTP servers is possible through the following commands.

  • time ntp show - shows the actual list of NTP servers separated by a comma.

  • time ntp set -servers <ntp_server_1>,<ntp_server_2>,...  - sets the list of NTP servers to the provided servers (replaces any previous settings). There must be at least one server.

  • time ntp set default - resets the actual NTP server list to default. The default list contains 5 well known servers located on the internet.

  • time ntp remove -servers <ntp_server_1>,<ntp_server_2>,... - removes the provided NTP servers from the list. There must be at least one left in the actual settings.

  • time ntp add -servers <ntp_server_1>,<ntp_server_2>,... - adds provided NTP servers at the end of the actual settings.

Services control 

Some basic commands are enabled for control of services available in the operating system:

  • services list - lists all the services available for controlling in the current version of the device's operating system.

  • services detail -name <service_name> - shows detailed information about the specified service.

  • services start -servicename <service_name> - starts the specified service.

  • services stop -servicename <service_name> - stops the specified service.

  • services autostart -servicename <service_name> -enabled <on/off> - enable/disable service to start after boot. Enabling or disabling does not affect the service immediately, it is applied after next boot.

SNMP configuration

Available from OS version 4.5 and higher

You may configure SNMP security name, types of encryption and passphrases with:

  • network show snmp configuration - lists all available configuration. (warning) does not list passphrases, actual values of passphrases are not retrieveable anywhere.

  • network set snmp configuration -securiytname <security_name> -authtype <auth_type> -privtype <priv_type> - sets security name, authentication encryption type and privacy encryption type.
  • network set snmp conifguration authpassphrase - prompt for insertion of password like value appears and confirmed value is saved as the authentication passphrase.
  • network set snmp configuration privpassphrase - prompt for insertion of password like value appears and confirmed value is saved as the privacy passphrase.

Display backlight

Management also enables to change the display brightness and get information about current display setting.

  • display show brightness level - print the current level of display brightness.

  • display show brightness maximum - print the maximum level of display brightness.

  • display set brightness -level <value> - set the display brightness to a specified level.


  • sound set volume -level <level 0-100> - sets the volume as a percentage of highest value possible.
  • test sound - plays test_sound.wav file located in user's home folder.

How to check logs

For seeing logs in command line, there is a special account.


  1. Open SSH connection to your device (
  2. Login as user uam 
  3. Default password is Z4WXJQRD9elR0g1LDxKq

Get logs

Use command 'journalctl' to get the logs.

  • journalctl > logs-`date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"`.log  - saves the logfile to /home/uam/logs-*.log, the log can then be downloaded using SCP.

  • journalctl -ffollows the logs as they are being written.
  • journalctl -u UNIT - show logs only for specified unit
  • For more options see