Configuration and logs

UP Connector configuration

The main configuration file is created automatically by the installation script. There is no need to update it manually. The following description is important only for validation in case of trouble.

Configuration file for UP Connector is local.json file stored in the UP Connector directory:

<install_dir> \UPConnector\configuration\

It can look like this:

local.json example
"DebugOptions": {
"FakeOutputDevices": false
"JobDeliveryOptions": {
"MaxIppVersion": "1.1",
"ForcePrintJobOperation": "false",
"DefaultIppVersion": "1.1"
"ConnectorHubOptions": {
"ConnectorHubUri": "",
"TenantId": "<TenantGUID>",
"ClientId": "<ClientGUID>"

You can set FakeOuputDevices to true if you want to debug the IPP messages and printing by the connector itself. The jobs will be stored in the folder:


The ConnectorHubOptions key contains an object, where you can find links to all important Azure resources. You can switch here into which environment the connector is connected.

Token cache

There is a token cache file where the authentication to the Azure services is cached. It is stored in C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.universal-print\tokenCache.enc and if you delete it the connector will ask you to perform some action to authenticate again (in its logs).

The desired state and printer management

Desired state file can be found here:


In this file, you can find ProxiedPrinters JSON key, which value is an array of printer objects. Each printer has the following attributes:

Proxied printer object example
"PrinterId": "",
"DeviceName": "My Sample Printer",
"IsEnabled": true,
"PrinterUri": "https://localhost:631/",
"RegistrationId": "<RegistrationIdGUID>"

Right after the installation of the UP Connector, this printer is generated and registered into Universal Print. Upon successful registration "SafeQ 6" printer will obtain a unique registration ID (RegistrationIdGUID).

If you want to add a new printer just add a new object into the ProxiedPrinters array. Just pick a different name for it, because Universal Print can have problems with the same names for multiple printers. The registration identification can be blank, it will be generated on the server site.

Changing the existing proxied printer

We do not recommend changing any existing printer, just create a new one with a different name.


The logs of the UP Connector installation are e.g. in <install_dir> \UPConnector\logs\install.log

The logs of the UP Connector are e.g. in <install_dir> \UPConnector\logs\upconnector.log . At the beginning of the log file there is the connector's configuration, so you can check if the connector is configured correctly and you can see the IPP messages here.

How to enable verbose logging

  1. Open logging.json located at <install_dir>\UPConnector\configuration\

  2. Find category # MinimumLevel

  3. Change the following value:

    • "Default": "Debug" to "Default": "Verbose"

  4. Restart Dispatcher Paragon Universal Print Connector service