Configuring logging using Nlog.config

Flexispooler, Mobile Print Server, Terminal Server and some others are using Nlog.config files for configuring respective output logs. Description of output logs and where to find its respective Nlog.configs can be found in Log File Overview.

How to change logging level to Trace

Trace is the lowest logging level, that means when logs are set to Trace level, they provide the most information. This should be used in case of troubleshooting.

To change log level, find a row with following code in the respective Nlog.config and change the minlevel to Trace.

For troubleshooting, it is best to set Trace level in all Nlog.config files.

Original Nlog line (minlevel="Debug" is the default):

<logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="logfile" />

Nlog set to trace level:

<logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="logfile" />

Other configuration options:

With Nlog.config you can also do other changes in logging, such as configure compression, max size and rotation of log files. To learn more about how to set this options and use NLog, see its documentation: