- Only Telefax and Internet fax (incoming and outgoing) are supported.
- It is not possible to capture information about outgoing Internet faxes for some devices (e.g. VersaLink, AltaLink).
- Some devices provide multiple accounting messages for 1 fax. For this devices, reports can show multiple records (e.g. VersaLink, AltaLink).
- Accounting for multiple recipients when faxing is not supported
Captured information
Outgoing fax
Outgoing Telefax successful
- Status (successful)
- Number of pages
- Color distribution
- Paper format
- Fax type
- Destination
Outgoing Internet fax successful
- Status (successful)
- Fax type
- Destination
Incoming fax
Incoming Telefax/Internet fax - printed
- Number of pages
- Color distribution
- Paper format
- Fax type
Incoming Telefax/Internet fax - not printed
- Fax type
- Number of pages