Variables are used to further customize workflows. Access the following types of variables:
- capture variables – Available during the entire workflow lifecycle, e.g. information about the logged user, terminal, etc.
- user input variables – Defined on the MFD by the user
- process variables – Available during the workflow processing and delivery, e.g., a selected billing code
Workflow User Input Fields | Workflow Destination | |
Capture Variables | ||
User Input Variables | ||
Process Variables |
Variables start with the '%' character followed by a variable name (no spaces allowed) and end with the '%' character, e.g. %userEmail%, %barcode%, etc.
Name | Workflow Destination | Variable Type | Usage |
%billingCode% | all | process | The code of billing code used for this scan job (can be null if none is assigned). |
%fileLocations% | all | process | The comma-separated file paths of all scanned files in the destination. |
%deviceID% | all | capture | The ID of the device where a scan was made. |
%deviceName% | all | capture | The name of the device where a scan was made. |
%deviceGroupID% | all | capture | The ID of a group to which the device where a scan was made belongs. |
%deviceGroupName% | all | capture | The name of a group to which the device where a scan was made belongs. |
%deviceGroupIP% | all | capture | The IP address of a group to which the device where a scan was made belongs. |
%deviceLocation% | all | capture | The location of the device where a scan was made. |
%deviceIP% | all | capture | The IP address of the device where a scan was made. |
%deviceActivationDate% | all | capture | The activation date of the device where a scan was made (in the 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MS' format). |
%deviceEquipmentID% | all | capture | The equipment ID of the device where a scan was made. |
%deviceServiceAgreementID% | all | capture | The device service agreement ID of the device where a scan was made. |
%deviceContactPerson% | all | capture | The contact person for the device where a scan was made. |
%deviceCostCenterID% | all | capture | The cost center number of the device where a scan was made. |
%deviceCostCenterName% | all | capture | The cost center name of the device where a scan was made. |
%invitationLink% | OneDrive for Business (OAuth 2.0) | capture | The invitation link where the users authorize access to their OneDrive storage. |
%safeqHome% | all | capture | The full path to the folder where Dispatcher Paragon is installed on the server where the Workflow Processing System is running. |
%scanDate% | all | capture | The local date on Terminal Server at the time of a scan in the format yyyy-MM-dd, e.g., '2012-12-21' for December 21, 2012 |
%scanTime% | all | capture | The local time on Terminal Server at the time of a scan in format HH-mm-ss-fff, e.g., '12-15-00-000' for quarter past twelve. |
%userCostCenterID% | all | capture | The cost center number of the terminal user who made a scan. |
%userCostCenterName% | all | capture | The cost center name of the terminal user who made a scan. |
%userEmail% | all | capture | The email of the terminal user who made a scan. |
%userFirstName% | all | capture | The first name of the terminal user who made a scan. |
%userHome% | all | capture | The home folder of the terminal user who made a scan. |
%userSurname% | all | capture | The surname of the terminal user who made a scan. |
%userUsername% | all | capture | The username of the terminal user who made a scan. |
%fileLocations% | all | capture | The final comma-separated list of processed files, including the path to the file. This variable is only accessible in notifications. |
%scanJobID% | all | process | The unique ID of the scan job instance. This identifier of the scan job is visible also in the log files. |
%scanJobSize% | all | process | A summary of the scan job files sizes. the variable is available only when there is a restriction set on the connector. |
%scanJobFileCount% | all | process | The scan job files count. The variable is available only when there is a restriction set on the connector. |
%connectorFileCountLimit% | all | process | The max file count restriction limit. The variable is available only when there is a file count restriction set on the connector. |
%connectorFileSizeLimit% | all | process | The file size restriction limit. The variable is available only when there is a file size restriction set on the connector. |
%connectorRestrictionsDirectory% | all | process | The path to the folder where scan jobs are stored when a restriction is applied. The variable is available only when there is a restriction set on the connector. |
%workflowID% | all | capture | The ID of the workflow used to make the scan. |
%workflowName% | all | capture | The name of the workflow used to make the scan. |