DP Mobile

The DP Mobile input node receives files from the mobile devices via the DP Mobile app. To submit files from your mobile device into Dispatcher Phoenix for processing/routing/printing, you must have at least one Dispatcher Phoenix workflow running that includes a DP Mobile Input.
For more information about the app and how to use it, please refer to the Dispatcher Phoenix Mobile User’s Guide.
To open the DP Mobile node window, add an input node for DP Mobile and double-click on it.

Make sure the Enabled box is checked to enable one or more collection points when there are multiple input sources (not needed on a single input source).
In the Node Name field, enter a meaningful name for the DP Mobile node.
In the Description field, enter a description for the DP Mobile node. This is not required, but can be helpful with multiple collection points. If the description is long, you can hover the mouse over the field to read its entire contents.
Click on the Google play button to download the app from Google Play.
Click on the App Store button to download the app from the App Store.
Select the Save button to keep your DP Mobile input definition. You can also select the Help button to access online help and select the Cancel button to exit the window without saving any changes.
Creating a DP Mobile Index Form
If you want to access an index form on your mobile device using the DP Mobile app, you must associate that index form with the DP Mobile input node. Do the following:
Check the Attach Index Form box.
Click on the + button.
On the Create New Index Form window, select the Blank Index Form button.
Add the fields that you want to appear on your mobile device. See the Index Form Builder section for more information on how to create an index form.