![DSP Web Node Logo](../sec.media/dsp-web-logo.png)
The DSP Web node is designed for use with applications/features that have been developed by members of the Dispatcher Phoenix Developer Support Program (DSP). For more information about the DSP, please contact your Konica Minolta representative.
Using the DSP Web Node
To open the DSP Web node window, add a process node for DSP Web node and double-click on it.
![DSP Web Node](../sec.media/dsp-web.png)
There are several buttons and fields that appear, including:
Enabled - Check this box when there are multiple processes in a workflow. If unchecked, this process will be ignored. Files will pass through as if the node was not present (i.e., continue along the default or ‘positive’ path). Note that a disabled node will not check for logic or error conditions.
Node Name - Enter a meaningful name for the DSP Web node.
Description - Enter a description for the DSP Web node. Although this is not required, it can be helpful to distinguish multiple processes from each other. If the description is long, you can hover the mouse over the field to read its entire contents.
Metadata - To access the Metadata Browser window, click this button.
Help - To access Dispatcher Phoenix Online Help, click this button.
Save - To preserve your node definition and exit the window, click this button.
Cancel - To exit the window without saving any changes, click this button.
Application Setup
To use this with a DSP-developed web service, you must configure the node to point to the web-based application or API’s location (e.g., a URL). To configure the node, do the following:
Double-click the DSP Web node to open it.
Enter the API Endpoint to the application.
Select whether you would like to Include Metadata. When this checkbox is selected, the node includes all metadata gathered from previous nodes in the workflow.
Select the HTTP Verb. Options include
Select your Authentication type. Options include:
Basic - This will prompt you to enter your Username and Password.
APIKey - This will prompt you to enter your Key Name and Key Value.
Bearer Token - This will prompt you to enter your Token.
Select the Connect button. This will establish a connection between the DSP Web node and the web application and connect any metadata keys or value pairs provided from the application so the metadata can be used by subsequent nodes in the workflow. This will also confirm that the application is properly registered with a valid DSP license key.
Important! You must select the Connect button in order to properly validate the workflow.
Note: Any changes made to the API field will require you to select the Connect button to reestablish the connection.
If needed, add any Headers necessary for the application. To add a Header, select the Add Header button. This will allow you to enter a Key and Value for the Header. Headers are additional coding commands outside the application, which can alter how the application performs. Any necessary Header Keys and Values will likely be provided in the installation instructions along with the application; otherwise, this field can be left blank. You may add more than one Header. To delete a Header you’ve added, select the Remove button next to the Header. Headers are also metadata compatible. To add metadata to a Header, click the Metadata button and drag-drop the metadata key into the Header Key or Value field.
For Process Immediate Response, leave this box checked. This configuration configures the DSP Web node to send out a document to be processed by the web API and to expect a document back almost immediately. By unchecking the box, the node will no longer expect a document to be returned immediately, but will wait for a message from Dispatcher Phoenix Web that the file ready to continue through the workflow. If you uncheck the box, you must enter your Dispatcher Phoenix Web URL to ensure communication between the node and the web API.
Note: If the Dispatcher Phoenix installation and web API are hosted on devices with different IP addresses, you must configure the DSP Web node with the full explicit DP Web URL in order for the third party application to reach your DP Web.
Save and close the node.
Note: The DSP Web node will process documents whenever possible, according to the specifications of the connected application. In the event that the node or application generates an error during processing, you will need to consult the application logs for specific details about the error.