Dispatcher Phoenix FAQ
1. What are the differences between the Dispatcher Phoenix packages?
3. Does Dispatcher Phoenix have an MFP Simulator?
4. Is the iOption necessary to run Dispatcher Phoenix workflows on the MFP?
5. What is necessary to run Dispatcher Phoenix on a production print model?
7. Can Dispatcher Phoenix create folders dynamically?
8. Are there limits to the number of nodes that can be included in one workflow?
9. Can workflows be drawn over multiple pages?
1. What are the differences between the various Dispatcher Phoenix packages?
All Dispatcher Phoenix packages include:
- Same base application featuring graphical Workflow Builder, advanced Workflow Scheduler, and LiveFlo technology
- Native and advanced bizhub Office MFP control panel integration
- Flexible MFP user options and shared workflow capabilities
- Document indexing and folder browsing features at the MFP panel
Dispatcher Phoenix
The base license includes the following benefits:
- Easy-to-use, scalable, and cost-effective solution
- Modular architecture for easy expandability with optional add-in nodes such as Barcode Processing, Advanced OCR, OnBase Connector, etc.
- Document imaging, routing, and printing processes, such as Annotation, Watermark, Rename, Deskew, and Despeckle
Dispatcher Phoenix ScanTrip
Dispatcher Phoenix ScanTrip is a stripped-down version of Dispatcher Phoenix that provides a simple, low-cost scan-to-cloud solution.
Dispatcher Phoenix Release2Me+
Dispatcher Phoenix Release2Me+ is a lean, economical alternative to full-featured print management solutions you can use for secure printing and scanning. This convenient, secure print solution protects the confidentiality of your business documents and reduces unwanted, unnecessary printing.
Vertical Market Packages
If you purchase the Dispatcher Phoenix base license, you can add one or more of the following optional vertical-market packages:
- Dispatcher Phoenix Office
- Dispatcher Phoenix Legal
- Dispatcher Phoenix Government
- Dispatcher Phoenix Healthcare
- Dispatcher Phoenix Education
- Dispatcher Phoenix Finance
- Dispatcher Phoenix ECM
2. What are the differences between the Forms Processing, Advanced OCR, Convert to PDF, and Convert to Office nodes?
Forms Processing - Performs advanced searching for unique identifiers (e.g., Social Security numbers, telephone numbers, etc.) via barcode or text searches. Information can be extracted and/or processed (redact, highlight, or strikeout) based on user-defined rules. This node is useful any time you need to extract or process information in a document without knowing its exact content (or even its exact position on the page).
Advanced OCR - Performs page-level and zonal OCR on image files (TIFF, JPG, PNG, BMP) and PDFs to extract metadata to be used for splitting, renaming, or routing documents. The node can also be used to convert files to a variety of different formats:
- PDF Searchable
- PDF with Image Substitutes
- Microsoft Word 2000, XP
- Microsoft Word 97
- Microsoft Word 2003
- Microsoft Word Excel 2003, XP
- Microsoft Word Excel 97
- Microsoft PowerPoint 97
- XPS Searchable
- RTF Word 2000
- RTF 2000 Exact Word
- RTF Word 97
- RTF Word 6.0/95
- Text
- Comma Separated Text
- Formatted Text
- Text with line breaks
- Unicode Text
- Unicode Comma Separated Text
- Unicode Formatted Text
- Unicode Text with line breaks
- eBook
Note: For Microsoft Office conversion with basic conversion to PDF Searchable, the Advanced OCR node can be the most cost-effective solution.
Convert to PDF - Converts image files and existing PDFs to a wide variety of PDF formats :
- PDF Searchable Image
- PDF with Image Substitutes
- PDF Edited
- PDF Image Only
- Advanced settings include:
- Security passwords
- Optimize for file size, quality, specific PDF version, and PDF/A
- Automatic page rotation
- Blank page removal
Convert to Office - Converts image files and PDFs to the latest Microsoft Office formats:
- Microsoft Word 2007/ 2010 (docx)
- Microsoft Word 2000, XP (doc)
- Microsoft Word 97 (doc)
- Microsoft Word 2003 (doc)
- Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010 (xlsx)
- Microsoft Word Excel 2003, XP (xls)
- Microsoft Word Excel 97 (xls)
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, 2010 (pptx)
- Microsoft PowerPoint 97 (ppt)
- XPS Searchable
- RTF Word 2000
- RTF 2000 Exact Word
- RTF Word 97
- RTF Word 6.0/95
- WordPad
- WordPerfect (9,10)
- Microsoft Infopath
- Microsoft Publisher 98
- Microsoft Reader
3. Is an MFP Simulator available for Dispatcher Phoenix?
The Dispatcher Phoenix MFP Simulator allows you to demo how easy it is to use the application on the MFP – without needing either a physical MFP or the Dispatcher Phoenix application.
The MFP Simulator is available as:
- A stand-alone, PC-based Simulator
- An online, web-based Simulator to be used on PC browsers, iPhones, iPads, Android devices, and other mobile devices
- An integrated Simulator
Stand-alone and Online Simulators
Both the stand-alone and online Simulators give customers a view of the application’s “look and feel” on the MFP without requiring either Dispatcher Phoenix or an MFP to run. They include built-in, canned workflows that do not require in-depth knowledge to demonstrate.
Download the stand-alone Simulator from the SEC Website.
Access the online Simulator by clicking here.
Integrated Simulator
Included in all versions of Dispatcher Phoenix, the integrated Simulator allows you to interactively run any Dispatcher Phoenix workflow – without needing to connect to a physical MFP. You can submit files directly into a Dispatcher Phoenix workflow from the simulated MFP panel and those files will be processed, real-time, in Dispatcher Phoenix.
4. Is the iOption necessary to run Dispatcher Phoenix workflows on the MFP?
The iOption is not required on an MFP in order to run Dispatcher Phoenix. If the iOption is installed, Dispatcher Phoenix bEST (bizhub Extended Solution Technology) workflows can be displayed graphically with oversized buttons and thumbnail images of available workflows. However, support for the MFP’s native interface, which displays workflows in a text-based manner, is provided as well.
In order to add the iOption to an MFP, you will need to order the LK-101 kit appropriate for your MFP model. In addition, your MFP may require a memory upgrade.
5. What is necessary to run Dispatcher Phoenix on a production print model?
To run Dispatcher Phoenix workflows on a production print model, refer to the Setting Up Production Print page.
You can also find the Dispatcher Phoenix Production Print Set Up Guide on the SEC website.
6. What is an active input?
An active input is any entry point into a workflow that is running or scheduled to run. A workflow can have multiple active inputs. Inputs in Dispatcher Phoenix can be:
- Input Folder (Collects files from local or network folders)
- MFP User Box (Collects files from MFP User Boxes)
- MFP Panel (Receives files scanned from an MFP using bEST technology)
- LPR In (Receives files from LPR Print Drivers)
- SMTP In (Receives files scanned as email from an MFP)
- Google Cloud Printer (Receives Google Cloud print jobs)
- Dispatcher Phoenix Mobile (Receives files from mobile devices)
- Dispatcher Phoenix Workstation (Receives files from Dispatcher Phoenix Workstation)
7. Can Dispatcher Phoenix create folders dynamically?
Using Dispatcher Phoenix, new folders can be created dynamically based on the path provided in the workflow and a variety of variables, such as file name, date/time, and logged-in user name, etc.
Dispatcher Phoenix also provides the ability to dynamically create output directories based on file content. With the Advanced OCR node, you can create zones around specific data that you want to capture in your document. That extracted information can then be referenced when defining an output folder, using the following syntax:
{ocr:zone.name of zone[page number]}
For example, if you have created a zone called ‘client’ on page one of your document, you could specify the following when defining an output folder:
In this example, if the value of the ‘client’ zone is John Doe, then a John Doe output folder on your Desktop will be automatically created.
A sample workflow, including sample files, has been created to demonstrate this functionality. On Dispatcher Phoenix’s main application screen, click on the Online Samples icon on the tool bar to download the Dynamic Folder Creation sample workflow.
8. Are there limits to the number of nodes that can be included in one workflow?
There are no limits to the amount of nodes that can be included in a workflow. You can include multiple input nodes (for file collection), process nodes, and distribution nodes (for file distribution) to suit your business needs.
9. Can workflows be drawn over multiple pages?
If you need to create a complex process with a large amount of nodes, you can insert an unlimited number of additional pages to your workflow. Multiple elements in a workflow can be copied and pasted from page to page, which is the equivalent of using a connector between two nodes on the same page.
10. Can Dispatcher Phoenix be installed and used in a Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 compliant environment?
Yes. Dispatcher Phoenix can be used in a FIPS 140-2 compliant environment including within non-military federal government agencies and by government contractors where well-designed security standards are essential.
11. Google has deprecated the Google Cloud Print service. What will happen to Dispatcher Phoenix workflows containing the Google Cloud Print node?
As of January 1, 2021, Google has deprecated the Google Cloud Print service. As such, all Dispatcher Phoenix workflows that currently contain the Google Cloud Print node will no longer be functional. If you update Dispatcher Phoenix to the current version, all Google Cloud Print nodes in workflows will be replaced with a red, broken puzzle piece, indicating that these nodes can no longer be used. If you choose to not update to the current version, the nodes will appear unchanged in your workflows, but will not be functional.