Workflow Control

5 minute read Last updated on December 08, 2021

DP Web includes a “Workflows” tool that allows you to control workflows (run, pause, stop, or check status) without direct access to the Dispatcher Phoenix server. In addition, you can use the Workflows tool to view the number of active inputs currently in use and access the License Usage Report.

Access the Workflows App

From Dispatcher Phoenix Web, select the Workflows tile or the Tools > Workflows option from the slide out menu. On the Workflows page, you can do the following:

  • View and Control Workflows. This page displays all workflows that have run successfully at least once in the Dispatcher Phoenix client application. The workflows are organized as follows:

    • My Workflows - This area displays the logged-in user’s workflows. The list includes the workflow name, the owner of the workflow, and its current status.
    • Shared Workflows - This area displays the workflows that have been shared with the logged-in user. The list includes the workflow name and its current status. These workflows cannot be selected and cannot be started, paused, or stopped.
  • View License Counts. The number of Active Input licenses currently being used and the number of licenses available for use. The license count displayed will be dynamically updated each time a workflow is started, stopped, or paused.

  • Refresh. The page automatically refreshes the list of workflows every 10 seconds. To refresh the Workflow list manually, click on the Refresh icon.

See the following illustration for an example:

Control Workflows

To run, pause, or stop workflows, do the following:

  1. Check the box(es) next to the workflow(s) that you are interested in, or check the top box to select all workflows.

  2. Hover your mouse over the workflow that you are interested in; then click on the Run, Pause, or Stop icons that appear to start, pause or stop the selected workflow(s).The status for that workflow will change accordingly.

  3. To start all selected workflows, click on the icons that appear on the top row, as in the following illustration:

View License Counts

The top-right corner of the Workflows page displays the number of Active Input licenses currently being used along with the total number of licenses available. For example, in the following illustration, the user is licensed for 5 Active Inputs and 1 Active Input is being currently used:

To access a detailed report on the total number of licenses owned and the number of licenses in use for each license category (e.g., Active Inputs and user licenses for Workstation, Batch Indexing, and Dispatcher Phoenix Mobile), click on that Active Input License Count display to generate the License Usage Report.

Usage Report

The Usage Report displays information about active inputs and user licenses that are currently being used and are available.

Only modules for which your installation has licenses will show in this section. For example, if you do not have any Workstation licenses, the row for Workstation Users will be omitted in the Usage Overview.

See the following illustration for an example:

This report includes:

  • Usage Overview Information. This area displays high-level information about:

    • The total number of unique Active Inputs currently in use and available.
    • The total number of user licenses for Batch Indexing, Workstation, and Dispatcher Phoenix Mobile currently in use and available.
  • Workflow Activity Information. This area lists the name of any active workflows that are owned by the logged-in user or shared to the logged-in user, along with the number of Active Inputs that the workflow is consuming and the name of the workflow’s owner. All Active Inputs being used will be displayed even if they are used in multiple running workflows. If no workflows are currently running, this area will not appear. To view detailed information about the Active Inputs that are used in a specific workflow, click anywhere in the list. In the following illustration, since the “Route” workflow includes an Input Folder and MFP Panel node, the Input Folder’s directory path and the MFP’s IP Address are displayed:

  • Batch Indexing Users Information. This area lists the users who are currently using the Batch Indexing tool and information about the client that is being used (IP address and Browser). Batch Indexing Users consume a license when a user starts a Batch Indexing process for the first time. This area will only appear if at least one Batch Indexing user license is being used.

  • Workstation Users Information. This area lists the name of the Workstation users and the Workstation that they are licensed to. Workstation Users consume a license when a user creates a New Batch in the Workstation for the first time. This area will only appear if at least one Workstation user license is being being used.

  • Dispatcher Phoenix Mobile Users Information. This area lists the name of the users who are currently using the Dispatcher Phoenix Mobile app and the mobile device(s) they are connected to. DP Mobile Users consume a license when a mobile device is connected to the Dispatcher Phoenix Server within the DP Mobile App. This area appears only if at least one Dispatcher Phoenix Mobile user license is being used. For more information, see the Dispatcher Phoenix Mobile User’s Guide.

  • Refresh button. Select this button to refresh and update the window.