Optional Nodes (Add-Ins)

6 minute read Last updated on December 09, 2024

Dispatcher Phoenix includes a robust set of collection, processing, and distribution nodes. You can expand and enhance the power and functionality of Dispatcher Phoenix through the addition of Optional Add-In Nodes and Node Bundles using the Add In Manager. The available options are listed below.

Note: The expansion options described in this topic are available only for the Dispatcher Phoenix base license. They are not available for Dispatcher Phoenix ScanTrip or Dispatcher Phoenix Release2Me+. Many add-in nodes and node bundles listed here are also available via the Dispatcher Phoenix Vertical Market Packages.

Optional Nodes (Add-Ins)

The following lists the Optional Add-In Nodes that are available for use with the Dispatcher Phoenix base license. Nodes may only be available as part of a bundle; for full details, see the Dispatcher Phoenix Optional Add-In Bundles section below.


Node Description
DSP Local In Allows Dispatcher Phoenix to accept documents from custom-built local executables.
DSP Web In Allows Dispatcher Phoenix to accept documents from custom-built web applications.
Email In Collects emails from folder(s) or an inbox on an email server.
HTTP In Receives files that are uploaded through a web service.
JDF Converter Parses information from JDF file.
SMTP In Receives emails sent from an MFP.
Upland InterFAX In Collects faxes from a connected Upland InterFAX account.
Workstation Allows a scan operator to import images from high-speed scanners (and other sources) for page/document manipulation, reordering, etc.


Node Description
Advanced Bates Stamp Places an unlimited number of Bates stamps on scanned image files and PDFs.
2D Barcode Processing with OmniPage Recognizes and extracts information from two-dimensional barcodes on scanned documents through the use of user-defined zones. Includes the OmniPage OCR engine.
Barcode Processing with OmniPage Recognizes and extracts information from barcodes on scanned documents through the use of user-defined zones. Includes the Barcode Writer node, which automatically applies barcodes to incoming documents. Also includes the OmniPage OCR engine.
Barcode Writer Inserts barcodes and barcode labels into incoming documents.
Batch Indexing Allows an index operator to enter/assign metadata to documents (either manually or automatically) via Dispatcher Phoenix Web.
Bubble Grader Automatically grades OMR bubble sheet tests and generates analytical reports.
Bubble Sheet Generator Tool to generate bubble sheet answer keys and student answer sheets.
CDA Generator Converts patient records and other healthcare documents into standard HL7 CDA XML format for import into a major medical system, such as an EHR.
Convert to Office with OmniPage Converts image files and PDFs to standard Microsoft Office documents, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Includes the OmniPage OCR engine.
Copy Defender Applies Konica Minolta Copy Protection features to documents.
Doc-Classifier with OmniPage Automatically categorizes scanned documents into pre-defined classes. Includes the OmniPage OCR engine.
DSP Local Allows Dispatcher Phoenix to integrate with custom-built local executables.
DSP Web Allows Dispatcher Phoenix to integrate with custom-built web applications.
Email Parser Extracts email attachments, parses the header metadata of emails, and routes emails based on set conditions.
Forms Processing Extracts and processes data using pattern matching technology. Includes the OmniPage OCR engine and Tesseract OCR engine.
Highlight/Strikeout with OmniPage Highlights important information or marks text with strikethrough lines, based on user-specified search conditions. Includes the OmniPage OCR engine.
HL7 Parser Extracts and processes data and embedded documents from HL7 messages.
KDK Code Generator Adds Kodak KDK/KDE PDL commands to PDF or Postscript files to facilitate printing on a Kodak Digimaster.
KDK-PDL Converter Promotes communication between Konica Minolta and Kodak printers by converting Konica Minolta PDL commands to Kodak KDK/KDE PDL commands or Kodak KDK/KDE PDL to Konica Minolta PDL.
OmniPage for Advanced OCR Enables the OmniPage OCR engine in the Advanced OCR node.
OmniPage for Convert to PDF Enables the OmniPage OCR engine in the Convert to PDF node.
Redact with OmniPage Blacks out sensitive information from scanned image files, based on search conditions. Includes the OmniPage OCR engine.
Release2Me Provides the ability to print jobs to a queue to be accessed later at an MFP for a secure and convenient print release system.
Rx Shield Applies tamper-resistant features to incoming prescriptions.
Verification Allows an operator to verify documents for quality assurance via Dispatcher Phoenix Web.


Node Description
SMTP Manager Allows administrative users to configure the SMTP Service, which receives email over SMTP and submits them to the workflow services.


Node Description
Cloud Fax Connector Allows customers with Dispatcher ScanTrip and Dispatcher Paragon to connect to the Upland InterFAX cloud-based fax system
DocRecord Connector Allows customers with Dispatcher Phoenix to distribute document to a DocRecord server.
DocuSign Connector Allows customers with Dispatcher Phoenix to distribute documents to DocuSign for further processing.
DSP Local Out Allows Dispatcher Phoenix to distribute documents to customized outputs via local executables.
DSP Web Out Allows Dispatcher Phoenix to distribute documents to customized outputs via web applications.
Guardian Connector Distributes scanned I-9 documents to the LawLogix Guardian platform at the MFP.
HL7 Connector Sends patient documents to 3rd party systems, such as Electronic Health Records, in the standard HL7 message format.
HTTP Out Uploads the input file to specified URL.
Laserfiche Connector Distributes processed documents into a monitored folder for collection by Laserfiche’s content management system.
M-Files Connector Scans, indexes, and distributes files to M-Files at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
OnBase Connector Scans, indexes, and uploads documents to OnBase Content Manage System at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Rightfax Connector Scans, indexes, and uploads documents to a Rightfax server.
Square 9 Softworks Connector Scans, indexes, and uploads documents to a Square 9 server.
Upland InterFAX Connector Scans, indexes, and distributes files to Upland’s InterFAX digital fax service.
Windows Fax Connector Scans, indexes, and distributes files via a local fax modem or fax server.
Workshare Connector Scans, processes, and distributes files to Workshare at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Worldox Connector Scans, indexes, and distributes files to Worldox Document Management System at the MFP or via an automated workflow.


System Workflow Description
Release2Me System Workflow Easy-to-use print release solution with System Editor. This System Workflow is included with the Release2Me package.

Dispatcher Phoenix Optional Add-In Bundles

Bundle Name Nodes Included Included in the following packages
Barcode Processing Barcode Processing
Barcode Writer
Dispatcher Phoenix ECM
Dispatcher Phoenix Finance
Dispatcher Phoenix Government
Dispatcher Phoenix Healthcare
Batch Indexing Package Batch Indexing
Batch Manager
Dispatcher Phoenix ECM
DSP Bundle DSP Local In
DSP Web In
DSP Local
DSP Local Out
DSP Web Out
Email Bundle Email In
Email Parser
Dispatcher Phoenix ECM
Dispatcher Phoenix Healthcare
HL7 Bundle CDA Generator
HL7 Connector
HL7 Parser
Dispatcher Phoenix Healthcare
KDK Bundle KDK Code Generator
KDK-PDL Converter
PDF Processing Bundle Crop PDF Pages
Delete PDF Pages
Duplicate PDF Pages
Insert PDF Pages
Move PDF Pages
Shift PDF Pages
Resize PDF Pages
Rotate PDF Pages
Redact & Highlight/Strikeout Bundle Highlight/Strikeout
Dispatcher Phoenix ECM
Dispatcher Phoenix Education
Dispatcher Phoenix Finance
Dispatcher Phoenix Government
Dispatcher Phoenix Healthcare
Dispatcher Phoenix Legal
Release2Me License Dispatcher Phoenix Release2Me Driver
Release2Me Node
Release2Me System Workflow
Dispatcher Phoenix ECM
Dispatcher Phoenix Release2Me+
Upland InterFAX Bundle Upland InterFAX In
Upland InterFAX Connector

Note: The nodes included in the Dispatcher Phoenix Optional Add-In Bundles are not available for individual purchase; they can only be purchased in the bundle.