Dispatcher Phoenix Licenses

10 minute read Last updated on December 09, 2024

Dispatcher Phoenix is available for purchase in several different configurations, each targeting the needs of a particular user group.

Each purchase includes one active input with no limits on page volume processing. Maintenance packages must be purchased separately. ScanTrip and Release2Me+ contain a reduced number of workflow nodes but at significantly reduced prices.

Dispatcher Phoenix Base Nodes

The following sections list the nodes included in the Dispatcher Phoenix base license, grouped by node type.

Collection Nodes

Node Description
Dispatcher Stratus In Allows Dispatcher Phoenix to accepts documents and data from a connected Dispatcher Stratus tenant.
DP Mobile Collects files that have been submitted from a mobile device.
Dropbox In Collects files from a Dropbox folder.
FTP In Collects files from a monitored FTP server at regular intervals.
Input Folder Collects files from a directory or folder on your PC or network.
LPR In Collects print jobs from an LPR Client like the Windows Printer Queue.
MFP Panel Initiates workflows directly from a Konica Minolta MFP panel.
MFP User Box Collects files for processing from a User box on a KMBS MFP.
Web Capture Captures files that have been submitted from a device via a web browser.

Note: The Dispatcher Pro Port is not represented as an icon you can drag-drop onto the Workflow Builder work area. Instead, you can configure the Dispatcher Pro Port for use in other applications (such as Microsoft Word) as a direct print-to-file printer, which you can then use as an input into a Dispatcher Phoenix workflow.

Process Nodes

Node Description
2D Barcode Processing with ZXing Scan documents and extract data from a variety of 2D barcodes.
Annotate Annotates scanned image files with the date received, a counter sequence number, or text of your choice, in a specific location on the page.
Advanced OCR with Tesseract Refines optical character recognition (OCR) output and extracts metadata through the use of user-defined or auto-detected zones. Includes the Tesseract OCR engine.
Barcode Processing with ZXing Scan documents and extract data from a variety of barcodes.
Color Route Routes files based on the number or percentage of color pages in a document.
Convert to PDF with Tesseract Converts any image file to a PDF document, including options for creating PDF/A compliant documents and PDF Searchable files. Includes the Tesseract OCR engine.
Convert to PS Converts image files to PostScript format.
Deskew Straightens skewed images. Be aware that the more accuracy you request from the deskew process, the longer the file will take to process.
Despeckle Removes speckles from a scanned image. Caution needs to be taken so the speckles are removed but the image is not distorted.
Insert Inserts a string as part of the workflow, without requiring a parse process.
Merge Combines single images into large image files, based on the number of files set. Merges both images and PDF files.
Metadata Route Routes documents according to user-defined, metadata-based search rules.
Metadata Scripting Manipulates metadata (copy, add, modify, or remove).
Metadata to File Extracts metadata from incoming files and stores that information in a separate file.
Mirror Image Reverses images (either horizontally or vertically).
Negative Image Creates a negative of an incoming document (i.e., converts light area to dark and vice versa).
ODBC Retrieves data from or updates data in an ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) data source.
Page Count Route Routes files based on the total number of pages in a document.
Parse & Distribute Searches for a keyword or text string within a file.
Parse & Insert Inserts a text string after the object of a search has been found.
Parse & Replace Replaces text found by a search rule.
Parser Creates a Search rule to search file attributes such as name, file type or size..
PDF Data Extraction Extracts metadata, such as form values, from PDF forms.
PJL Print Preferences Allows users to specify/configure printing preferences for print jobs, either automatically or at the MFP. The PJL Print Preferences node is included with the Release2Me package.
Print to File Converts documents to PRN format so you can print to a file and print using the associated Windows application.
Rename Changes the file name using variables, counters, or static text.
Split Separates multi-page files based on user-specified page numbers or metadata conditions.
Watermark Overlays a designated opaque image, such as a company logo, on an image file.

Distribution Nodes

Node Description
Box Connector Scans, indexes, and distributes files to Box.com at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Cloud Fax Connector Distributes documents to the Upland InterFAX cloud-based fax service. Only available with Dispatcher Paragon.
Dispatcher Stratus Connector Allows customers to distribute documents and data to a connected Dispatcher Stratus tenant.
Dropbox Connector Scans, indexes, and distributes files to Dropbox at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Email Out Sends output files as email attachments.
FileAssist Connector Scans, processes, and distributes files to Konica Minolta’s FileAssist cloud storage service at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
FilesAnywhere Connector Scans, processes, and distributes files to FilesAnywhere at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
FTP Distributes to a directory on an FTP server.
Google Drive Connector Scans, processes, and distributes to Google Drive at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Microsoft Exchange Sends output files as email attachments via Microsoft Exchange.
OneDrive Connector Scans, processes, and distributes files to Microsoft OneDrive at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
OneDrive for Business Scans, processes, and distributes files to Microsoft OneDrive for Business at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Output Folder Distributes to a directory or folder on your PC or network.
Printer Distributes to a KMBS MFP for printing the output.
SFTP Out Distributes documents to SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) servers.
SharePoint Connector Connects to Microsoft SharePoint, browses through SharePoint folders, and uploads documents to SharePoint repositories.
SharePoint Online Connector Connects to Microsoft SharePoint Online, browses through SharePoint Online folders, and uploads documents to SharePoint Online repositories.
WebDAV Connector Scans, indexes, and distributes files to a generic WebDAV Server at the MFP or via an automated workflow.

Note: The Cloud Fax Connector is included in the base Dispatcher Phoenix license but must be downloaded separately.

Dispatcher Phoenix ScanTrip

Dispatcher Phoenix ScanTrip is a simplified scan-to-cloud with OCR solution that provides a low-cost alternative to Dispatcher Phoenix. Benefits of ScanTrip include:

  • Easy integration with print management solutions that don’t include scanning features.
  • Connectors to popular cloud applications such as Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc.
  • The option to upgrade to Dispatcher Phoenix.

ScanTrip can be used in the following workflows:

  • Scan to Me
  • Scan To Home
  • Scan to Folder
  • Scan to Email (SMTP and MS Exchange)
  • Scan to Cloud Apps
  • Scan/submit files via Web Browser

ScanTrip Configuration

ScanTrip includes the following features and functions of Dispatcher Phoenix:

  • Client Application
  • Workflow Builder
  • Sample Workflows - A set of pre-configured workflows designed to get you up and running quickly and illustrate the power of Dispatcher Phoenix workflows and the available nodes.

ScanTrip includes the following nodes:

Collection Nodes

Node Description
Dispatcher Stratus In Allows Dispatcher Phoenix to accepts documents and data from a connected Dispatcher Stratus tenant.
MFP Panel Initiates workflows directly from a Konica Minolta MFP panel.
Web Capture Captures files that have been submitted from a device via a web browser.

Process Nodes

Node Description
Advanced OCR with Tesseract Refines optical character recognition (OCR) output and extracts metadata through the use of user-defined or auto-detected zones. Includes the Tesseract OCR engine.
Metadata Route Routes documents according to user-defined, metadata-based search rules.
Metadata to File Extracts metadata from incoming files and stores that information in a separate file.
Rename Changes the file name using variables, counters, or static text.

Distribution Nodes

Node Description
Box Connector Scans, indexes, and distributes files to Box at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Cloud Fax Connector Distributes documents to the Upland InterFAX cloud-based fax service. Only available with Dispatcher Paragon.
Dispatcher Stratus Connector Allows customers to distribute documents and data to a connected Dispatcher Stratus tenant.
Dropbox Connector Scans, indexes, and distributes files to Dropbox at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
FileAssist Connector Scans, processes, and distributes files to Konica Minolta’s FileAssist cloud storage service at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
FilesAnywhere Connector Scans, processes, and distributes files to FilesAnywhere at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Google Drive Connector Scans, processes, and distributes files to Google Drive at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Microsoft Exchange Sends output files as email attachments via Microsoft Exchange.
OneDrive Connector Scans, processes, and distributes files to Microsoft OneDrive at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
OneDrive for Business Scans, processes, and distributes files to Microsoft OneDrive for Business at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Output Folder Distributes to a directory or folder on your PC or network.
SharePoint Connector Connects to Microsoft SharePoint, browses through SharePoint folders, and uploads documents to SharePoint repositories.
SharePoint Online Connector Connects to Microsoft SharePoint Online, browses through SharePoint Online folders, and uploads documents to SharePoint Online repositories.
Email Out Sends output files as email attachments.
WebDAV Connector Scans, indexes, and distributes files to a generic WebDAV Server at the MFP or via an automated workflow.

Note: The Cloud Fax Connector is included in the base Dispatcher Phoenix ScanTrip license but must be downloaded separately.

Dispatcher Phoenix Release2Me+

Dispatcher Phoenix Release2Me+ is a lean, economical alternative to full-featured print management solutions you can use for secure printing and scanning. This convenient, secure print solution protects the confidentiality of your business documents and reduces unwanted, unnecessary printing.

Note: For customers who require advanced workflow capabilities, Release2Me node device licenses are available as optional add-ins to the Dispatcher Phoenix base license.

Dispatcher Phoenix Release2Me+ Configuration

Dispatcher Phoenix Release2Me+ includes the following features:

  • Secure print release
  • Print reporting
  • Print delegation
  • Dispatcher Phoenix Release2Me Driver
  • All ScanTrip functionality

System Workflows

Workflow Description
Release2Me System Workflow Easy-to-use print release solution with System Editor.

Collection Nodes

Node Description
Dispatcher Stratus In Collects files and metadata from a connected Dispatcher Stratus workflow.
LPR In Collects print jobs from an LPR Client like the Windows Printer Queue.
MFP Panel Initiates workflows directly from a Konica Minolta MFP panel.
Web Capture Captures files that have been submitted from a device via a web browser.

Process Nodes

Node Description
Advanced OCR with Tesseract Refines optical character recognition (OCR) output and extracts metadata through the use of user-defined or auto-detected zones. Includes the Tesseract OCR engine.
Metadata Route Routes documents according to user-defined, metadata-based search rules.
Metadata to File Extracts metadata from incoming files and stores that information in a separate file.
PJL Print Preferences Allows users to specify/configure printing preferences for print jobs, either automatically or at the MFP. The PJL Print Preferences node is included with the Release2Me package.
Release2Me Provides the ability to print jobs to a queue to be accessed later at an MFP for a secure and convenient print release system.
Rename Changes the file name using variables, counters, or static text.

Distribution Nodes

Node Description
Box Connector Scans, indexes, and distributes files to Box.com at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Dispatcher Stratus Connector Allows customers to distribute documents and data to a connected Dispatcher Stratus tenant.
Dropbox Connector Scans, indexes, and distributes files to Dropbox at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
FileAssist Connector Scans, processes, and distributes files to Konica Minolta’s FileAssist cloud storage service at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
FilesAnywhere Connector Scans, processes, and distributes files to FilesAnywhere at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Google Drive Connector Scans, processes, and distributes to Google Drive at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Microsoft Exchange Sends output files as email attachments via Microsoft Exchange.
OneDrive Connector Scans, processes, and distributes files to Microsoft OneDrive at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
OneDrive for Business Scans, processes, and distributes files to Microsoft OneDrive for Business at the MFP or via an automated workflow.
Output Folder Distributes to a directory or folder on your PC or network.
Printer Distributes to a KMBS MFP for printing the output.
SharePoint Connector Connects to Microsoft SharePoint, browses through SharePoint folders, and uploads documents to SharePoint repositories.
SharePoint Online Connector Connects to Microsoft SharePoint Online, browses through SharePoint Online folders, and uploads documents to SharePoint Online repositories.
Email Out Sends output files as email attachments.
WebDAV Connector Scans, indexes, and distributes files to a generic WebDAV Server at the MFP or via an automated workflow.