Note: *This node works with ZIP files that contain PDFs and CSV files.
The Ganging Node is used to combine multiple jobs that will be printed on larger sheets of paper. After printing, Ganged jobs are processed using a PostPress Machine (Cutter, Folder, Booklet Maker, etc.) to separate the individual jobs.
When a job is submitted to the Ganging Node, it must be a ZIP file that includes one or more print jobs (PDF files) and a CSV file that specifies the Ganging instructions.
Note: For instructions about how to create the required ZIP file, please see the section Basic Operation Procedure for the Ganging Job Submitter.
The maximum number of jobs that the Ganging Node can accept is 1000.
Using the Ganging Node
Add the Ganging Node to the workflow by dragging the node’s icon onto the Workflow Builder canvas, and then double-clicking on the icon to open the Ganging Node’s window:
Use this window to specify the Ganging Node’s settings.
Select the Enabled checkbox so that the process will run. When unchecked, this process is ignored. Documents pass through as if the node were not present (i.e., continue along the default or positive path). Note that a disabled node will not check for logic or error conditions.
In the Node Name field, enter a meaningful name for the Ganging node.
In the Description field, enter a description for the Ganging node. This is not required, but can be helpful with multiple collection points. If the description is long, hover the mouse over the field to read its entire contents.
In the Measurement Unit panel, select a measurement unit radio button. Three types of measurement units are available: mm, inch, and point.
Click the Save button to save the changes. If Cancel is selected and the window is closed, the changes are not saved.
Click the Help button to access online help.
In the Favorite area, create a template and save it. Saved templates may also be deleted.
To save selected settings as a Favorite, add a Favorite Name after all settings are chosen.
Add a New Item: Click the [+] button and the Favorite pop-up opens. Enter a Favorite Name value. Click the Save button.
Delete an Existing Item: Click the [-] button. A confirmation dialog opens. Click Yes to delete the Favorite Name:
Edit an Existing Item: Click the [+] button. Modify the setting’s changes, as required. By default, the Favorite value will default to Untitled. To keep the original name, re-enter the old value by replacing Untitled. When finished, click the Save button. If the old name was re-entered, an overwrite verification pop-up opens. In it, click Yes to overwrite the old values.
Note: A maximum of 100 Favorites may be saved. When the Favorite count reached 100, new addition to Favorite is not allowed and following error message will be displayed to user.
Note: If a Favorite value other than Default is selected when the node opens, the Favorite drop-down displays a value of saved Favorite name if the saved Favorite is not deleted/modified by other Ganging node in a workflow.
Note: If a Favorite value other than Default is selected and it is already deleted/modified when the node opens, the Favorite drop-down displays a value of [-].
Note: If a Favorite value is modified while the node is open, the Favorite drop-down displays a value of [*Untitled+].
Note: Favorite name can be a combination of any of the below characters.
- One byte characters [English characters etc.] (a to z & A to Z)
- Double byte characters [Japanese, Chinese Characters etc.]
- Spaces
- Numbers(0 to 9)
Advanced Options
Minimize Waste Paper: When the Minimize Waste Paper checkbox is selected, Ganging will minimize wasted paper as much as possible based on the ganging setting and size of the input jobs. If not selected, the output job will be printed without considering the issue of Waste Paper.
Process Mixed Page Sizes: Select this checkbox if the job has multiple Page Sizes. When the value is selected, the following pop-up message opens:
Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel the request.
Export Banner Page: If this checkbox is selected, both a Marked document and a Banner Page are created. The Banner Page shows the types of marks being applied to the job (Trim, for example). The Banner Page is generated and sent along with the main job but as an independent job.
Note: In the generated Banner Page, the value “banner” is set as the value for the metadata key “ganging:jobtype”.
PostPress: After printing, Ganged jobs are processed using a PostPress machine (Cutter, Folder, Booklet Maker, etc.) to separate the individual jobs. Use this option to specify the type of PostPress finisher to be used for the processing. The default value of the drop-down is None.
Edit: Click this button and the PostPress Settings window opens.
Note: The PostPress option is only available when a Paper Size other than Auto is selected.
Add New PostPress Setting: Add a New PostPress Setting by clicking the [+] button or by using the context menu option Add New PostPress Setting, accessed by right-clicking in the PostPress Setting’s window. Once saved, new settings are added to the table.
Note: PostPress Setting’s Name*** *can be a combination of any of the below characters.
- One byte characters [English characters etc.] (a to z & A to Z)
- Double byte characters [Japanese, Chinese Characters etc.]
- Spaces
- Numbers(0 to 9)
Delete PostPress Setting: To delete a saved setting, locate its row and then click the X at the far-right of the row. As an alternative method, right-click on the No. column of an item then select Delete from the menu. When either delete is initiated, a confirmation dialog opens:
Click Yes to delete the setting or No to cancel the request.
Select the Save button to keep the PostPress definition. Click the Cancel button to exit the window without saving the changes.
Special Mark: When this checkbox is selected, the hyperlink to the right of the checkbox is activated. To change the special mark, click on the hyperlink to open the Special Mark Advanced Settings - Custom dialog. Use that screen to select a new Special Mark.
Note: The Special Mark option is only available when a Paper Size other than Auto is selected.
Special Mark Advanced Settings - Custom: When Custom is selected as the Mark Type, the following UI opens. On it, specify the absolute dimension of the mark’s Width and Height as well as the absolute position of the mark in relationship to the Left Margin and Bottom Margin.
Ganging Settings
Use the Ganging Settings panel to specify the page Layout:
Page Order Icons: Specify the output order of pages. There are four icon options (left to right): Horizontal, Horizontal Reversed, Vertical, or Vertical Reversed.
Offset: When the checkbox is selected, Offset is enabled. The minimum value is 1, the maximum is 10,000, and the default is 100.
Slip Sheet: Select the checkbox and select a drop-down value to insert a blank sheet Between Jobs or Between Sets when printing.
Paper Size Drop-Down: The size of output paper used for printing (the Ganging sheet size). The default value of Paper Size is Auto. When a Paper Size other than Auto is selected, the following options are available:
Portrait/Landscape: Select the Orientation of the output paper.
Width: The Width of the output paper (or the Ganging sheet).
Height: The Height of the output paper (or Ganging sheet).
Note: For B paper sizes(e.g. B0, B1) supported in Imposition node, based on the Dispatcher Language, the Paper Size dimensions will be displayed either in JIS(Japanese Industrial Standard) or ISO (International Standard Organization) dimensions.
Note: For Dispatcher Language other than Japanese, B paper size dimension will be displayed in ISO dimensions. Otherwise it will be displayed in JIS dimensions.
Note: For workflow execution the dimensions displayed in UI will be used.
Layout: Select Custom or Auto. When Custom is selected, the number of Ganging blocks will be produced based on the Column and Row values specified here. When Auto is selected, the Rows and Columns fields are disabled and are updated based on the Preview Image. If a Preview is not uploaded, the Preview Media Size noted at the bottom of the screen will display a value of “ - “.
Horizontal Gap Setting: The horizontal interval between two Ganging blocks. The default value is 0.
Vertical Gap Setting: The vertical interval between two Ganging blocks. The default value is 0.
Printing Marks
Enable Crop Mark: Select the checkbox to add Crop Marks.
Mark Type: Select the type of Crop Mark from three options: Type1, Type2 and Type3.
Advanced: Click the Advanced option to open a dialog where Custom Crop Mark values may be specified. When the Reset to Default button is clicked, all values are reset to their defaults.
Enable Registration Mark: Select the checkbox to add Registration Marks.
Mark Type: Select the type of registration mark from four options: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Custom. If Custom is selected, the path to the image must be specified. Credentials need to be set up to support file access via the network. If the Custom Registration Mark File path is blank. Then an X-mark image will be shown in the Preview and the Registration Mark Advanced Setting Custom window.
Mark Type Custom Settings: when Custom is selected, the setting screen opens:
Custom Registration Mark Width, Height, and Margin settings are available to specify.
If the Keep Original Aspect Ratio checkbox is selected, any change in one of the values will be automatically applied to the other values so that the Registration Mark maintains its original appearance. When the Reset to Default button is clicked, all values are reset to their defaults.
Preview Settings
Click the Preview icon to open the Preview Settings window:
Use PDF: Select the checkbox to use the PDF file to generate the Preview. When the option is checked, more than 5,000 pages and up to a 500 MB file can be supported by Import.
Trim Size: The Page Size after all excess material is trimmed off.
Portrait/Landscape: Click a radio button to select the document’s Orientation.
Width and Height: These values reflect the trim Width and the trim Height. When a Custom Size is selected in the Trim Size Combo Box, then the Width and Height text boxes are enabled and values may be modified.
While the Preview Settings are being generated, a progress screen displays:
If additional changes are made while the Preview is loading, they will be applied and the Preview that is loaded will be based on the last configured settings.
- The Preview panel only supports PDF files.
- Only a file from the local drive is supported. Files from a network path are not supported.
- To see the Printing marks clearly in the Preview panel, only the uploaded PDF Page size is used to display the Preview. PDF content is displayed as a gray box in the Preview panel.
Tool Bar
The Toolbar is at the top of the window. Use it to customize the Preview.
Tool Bar Icons | Description |
![]() |
Upload Preview icon. Click on this icon to upload a sample preview image. Only PDF preview is supported. 5,000 pages and up to a 500 MB file can be supported by Preview if the OS has at least 16 GB of RAM. |
![]() |
Actual Size icon. Click on this icon to revert the preview sample document to its original size. |
![]() |
Fit to Width icon. Click on this icon to stretch the sample document to fit the width of the Preview area. |
![]() |
Fit to Height icon. Click on this icon to stretch the sample document to fit the height of the Preview area. |
![]() |
Fit to Page icon. Click on this icon and the sample document fills the Preview area. |
![]() |
Zoom controls. Use either the magnifying glass icon or the sliding bar to zoom in and out of the Preview area. |
Handling metadata
This node outputs the following metadata group categories.
Ganging, Job, Post Press.
The Ganging Node does not work well with mixed page sizes. The recommended paper tolerance for optimum performance is ± 5 points.
The Ganging Node can support 1,000 jobs, if the system Dispatcher it is run on has a minimum of 16 GB RAM.
When Auto Ganging is used, the PDF image is repeated multiple times in the output document. If the Bleed Boxes of the file overlap, all the page’s Bleed Boxes are reduced in size so that all the images fit on a single page. To avoid cutting errors in these cases, it is recommended that a Horizontal and Vertical Gaps be added using the Ganging Settings screen. This will provide enough of a gap to support proper cutting.
Network Credentials
Credentials are passed/written as is to Workflow/config XML.
When a workflow is EXPORTED and IMPORTED from a different machine, the Network credential may not work as expected. Credentials may need to be set/provided manually after importing the workflow.
There might be a performance issue/degrade when opening the workflow when the image is loaded from a Network path.
Only publicly shared network paths are supported for the Use PDF options in the Preview panel. Network paths that require credentials are not supported.